
Shop Plugin

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The shop plugin allows for easy trading between players, with no risk of mispayment or theft.

Making a Shop

Shops require a sign, container, and the items you wish to trade in.

The container can be a:

  • Chest
  • Trapped Chest
  • Shulker
  • Barrel

Double chests of both variants also work, and two shops can be made - one for each chest.

To create the shop, you must place a sign on any side of the container, and write in:

Line # Text Description
1 [Shop] First line must always be this.
2 Number Replace this number with the amount of items you wish to sell, e.g. 64
3 Number Replace this number with the amount of items you wish to buy, e.g. 1
4 trade The last line must always be this.

ShopChest.png ShopChest2.png

If done correctly, the sign should change to match the second image above.

At this point, you must left click the sign with the item/blocks you wish to sell, and then left click the sign with the item/blocks you wish to buy.

If all steps were followed correctly, the shop will be created.


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