I first would like to say a huge thanks to everyone who turned up tonight to take part in the halloween event, I appreciate you guys taking time out to come and be apart of the community event I've spent a few months working on.
This years event has been the biggest I've worked on while playing Zedwork and I really enjoyed how well it turned out, lots of funny moments, lots of death and hopefully a really good time for you guys.
Given the event was in complete darkness I didn't get any screenshots of the event but Zed had a really nice one of us all in the lobby waiting to go in.
A big congratz to Spectatre, Raysun and Memery who placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd at the event, they were reward with a shulker box full of goodies and a bonus prize to come soon.
I really do hope you guys enjoyed the event. I tried to redo an event I had already made but on a larger scale, I believe it worked pretty well.
Feel free to post any of your thoughts, opinions and any moments you enjoyed/disliked about the event.