I suppose I could take the project on, it would be a nostalgic challange to carry out a modern build again. However I am afraid that once the build has been completed and all my time and effort has been spent, players might only come to visit the accademy and join the redstone lessons once...maybe twice. I fear that the novelty would ware thin quite quickly. There is also the added concern of finding competant people to run the classes at regular intervals....if at all.
maybe I had a misguided moment of inspiration. I feel that it is hard to get players to join in unless there is some kind of reward for said players. The internet can provide a lot/most of the redstone info that people need to get better and i feel that players seeking tips may attend the accademy only a few times before they realise that it wasn't really worth the effort to go there. Yes there may be a few new things for them to see the first time they visit but those new circuits probably wont get replaced since they are standard circuits.
I suppose for such a place to be worth doing, there should be a need for it in a place where there is alot of footfall from new players who want to know more about redstone and since everyone is spread out over the map it makes things difficult. I think that the reward of redstone knowledge alone is not enough to draw a consistant crowd to the accademy and therefor would make such a build redundant in the end, since it's main purpose would be for public service....a public that seldem visits public facilities in the first place.
With that said, I still dig the zedwork community and all the work that they do for eachother, it's what keeps things rolling. I want more public events because they bring us together and they are always a great deal of fun for all involved. What I have just said is just my own little monologue with regards to a restone accademy and not a reflection of my thoughts towards public facilities in general