A Plugin

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A Plugin

Postby AwsomeG2 » Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:41 pm

There is a plugin on a different server I play on and it allows you to lock your account ingame. you type /register password and than every time you login to the server you have to type /login password and If you get up to leave your computer you can type /logout or something. This plugin can help to prevent all the people saying that their little brother got on and griefed everyone.
We should get this plugin

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Re: A Plugin

Postby Zedwick » Wed Oct 17, 2012 6:16 pm

This is probably a good idea, though only as an option to help some players prevent their siblings from using their account (where their password is saved on their computers) whilst they are out and getting them banned. The existence of a password, or lack of, would likely not contribute to our decisions in cases of appeal.

I will add it to my list of things to look into.
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