I am deeply sorry for the following mistakes I've made.
I had recently joined this server to play with my friends(bartman51 and Werble23). I had been playing for a few hours, had a built a house, gotten food and kept to myself. I then decided I was going to go to spawn and set up a shop. When I arrived at spawn there was a little shack with a chest. Curiosity got the best of me and I opened the chest, unaware of a sign placed nearby. Contained inside the chest were 3 diamonds. Which I clicked on just out of habit, when an interesting topic came up in chat. I closed out of the chest without replacing the diamonds again. Minecraft physics took into effect and the diamonds fell onto the ground. As I was typing a message the diamonds blooped into my inventory. I was then sent to jail and the rest is history.
I had no intention of stealing those diamonds, as that was the cause of my ban. And as the title suggests I'd like to return to the server.