Zedwork Public Chat

Do you have an idea on how to improve the server? Or have a brilliant idea for an event? Or any other requests? This is the place to voice them.

Zedwork Public Chat

Postby Anteramian » Fri Jul 18, 2014 7:11 pm


I would like to suggest that all players wishing to speak to each other at length in a non-english language do so in private messages. I respect that we come from all regions and dialects, however I do think most of us speak english as our native tounge.

Extended messages can detract from the normal public conversation as many people do not understand what is being said. Again I am happy to have a diverse membership that is knowledgable in various languages; that being said can I request that lenghty conversations be had in private chat?

Jake (Anteramian)

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Re: Zedwork Public Chat

Postby Zedwick » Sat Jul 19, 2014 2:44 am

This is how we ask players to communicate. We are an English speaking server. Of course, sometimes it can be difficult to communicate exactly what you mean in a language that is not your native one, so the odd message or two is perfectly fine. But generally, non-english conversations should be kept to private message.
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