(Currently Savannah, Swamp, Hills and Jungle)
We decided that we would set up each town up one by one instead of all at once, first we are going to set up the Hill's Town
Some rules for each town:
- The towns are going to be run by the Council, but the Council will elect a Mayor or Group in charge of setting up the town and reporting progress to the Council
Each town may have it's own unique name, laws, government, colors or economy
If the current leader of the town is inactive or does not fulfill their duties, the Council is free to re-elect a new leader of said town
While the leader of the town has almost all control over it, the Council may make any changes they want
These rules are for the warp towns only, not all towns in general, feel free to make your own town elsewhere
Towns can make their own rules, which will be presented at the entrance you get warped to
If you build in the town, you must follow the rules. There may be rules that say the Leader/Council can remove your build (if it meets certain criteria such as inactive for too long)
All builds made before the town was established cannot be removed by the Leader/Council without permission from the build's owner or a Guardian
You must be a Zedling+ to run a warp town
As of now we have no mayors or government for the Hill's Warp Town
If you think you could run the Hill's Warp Town nominate yourself by replying
Also you may include reasons why you think you could run the town well or ideas for the town
You can reply to support another person becoming Mayor/Leader as well
The council will be voting on the mayor in the next meeting, good luck to all!