by Louis_Desrosiers » Fri Jan 30, 2015 3:45 pm
Shop Town, already done?
The question if we should add a shop town is questionable as the shops near the 1.8 warp, as Memery tells, are fine as they are. I agree that we have a shopping district already in reach of the 1.8 warp, however I am not satisfied! The shops make the place feel cluttered and many people who want shops near there may not be able to due to the limited amount of space and because of this I propose that we build a huge town with shops. The town will be connected to the railways being built that many people have used to get to there homes, and if those whom use it to go home will more than likely use it to go shopping thus improving income. Along with more shoppers because of location there is a more important issue that has not been brought up as much; distance. I myself know much of this issue as I live on an island in the middle of nowhere and a railway near shore to a shopping town where I can sell stuff I have and buy stuff I do not have and want would greatly help me and those who have similar problems from being far from spawn.
To conclude the thought of a shop town is in place but needs revamped, removed, and rerailed for further use by new people who wish to stay connected with the rails along with space for those whom do not wish to have such small shops that currently clutter the space of the 1.8 warp.
Yours Truly,
Louis Chirurgie (owen99999)