sonicboomtime wrote:mabby make a warp at spawn to a arena that has a pvp aloud room
I don't believe this is possible with the situation the server is in for ranks etc. (such as Zedling) In vanilla, there are no ways to enable PvP in certain areas.
Zedwick wrote:As Forseth pointed out, this would mean all players would be on the same team and therefore have the same team colour for their name. No non-zedlings/zedlings/zriends/zesties/guardians. Chaos!
I think most players would prefer colours and Zedlingship over temporary pvp. Luckily we don't have to choose, as we can have both! /zestygame provides pvp opportunities, though admittedly no Elytra PVP yet.
If you, or anyone else, is interested in creating a minigame based around Elytra combat then I would very much encourage you to do so! An ElytraPVP ZestyGame is often requested.