
Dungeon Dash Locations

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There are two different boss rooms that can appear at the end of each floor of the dungeon. These rooms tend to be longer and more dangerous than most other rooms throughout that floor.

Floor 1 Cave Section A large, dark cave, with no enemies throughout. Several chests with placeable torches appear regularly. Hidden about halfway down is the Sword of the Prince, a golden sword with Smite IV and Fire Aspect 2. At the bottom of the cave, there is a locked door. Unlock it by finding the golden pressure plate in a side area at the bottom. While the door unlocks, a large amount of zombies will fall from the ceiling outside of the area with the pressure plate. The door will open when all the zombies are dead. Strategy Grab the Sword of the Prince on the way down. If you are playing as Hunter, place a trap just outside the pressure plate area, and trigger it. After the pressure plate is triggered, run outside and start killing zombies using the Sword of the Prince. If you are playing as Soldier, use your firebomb once the zombies have stopped spawning. If you are playing as Tank, run in and use your armor burst. Mages can summon a Rusty if they feel necessary. Berserkers and Soldiers can use their class abilities to make their job a bit easier.

Cultist Stronghold This section starts off with Guardians outside the entrance. Just inside, there is a large skull with Guardians in the eyes. Below this, there are several normal loot chests and a staircase downwards. Around the staircase are several Guardians. After the drop, there is a cryptlike area full of Cultists. Several paths around the entrance lead to a netherrack filled room with an iron door on a gold block with a button. Press that button to unlock the rest of the area. There are several normal loot chests around the crypt, and usually many just before the exit. Strategy Run past the Guardians at the entrance, grab the loot chests, and drop down into the crypt. Ignore the Guardians around the staircase. After the drop, this is more or less like any other room in the dungeon.

Floor 2 Cathedral Room This room starts off with a long hallway behind a broken down barricade. Closed iron doors on the right will open after a player passes a certain point, releasing Vindicators. There are sometimes loot chests in the rooms on the right. After that, there is a long staircase down, which opens up into a large room with a table in the center. Vexes will spawn when a player reaches the bottom of the staircase. On the side opposite the entrance, there is a hallway which can contain loot chests. Around the table, there are Evokers and Illusioners. Around the room, there are four entrances leading into a basement area, populated with Vindicators. There are four rooms in the basement, one containing anvils, another containing a chest with food, and another with instant health and damage potions. Each room also contains a lever on a gold block. Flip them all to unlock the next floor. Strategy Have someone run in and out to trigger the Vindicator trap. If you are playing as Hunter, place a trap just past the barricade. Snipe the Vindicators from the entrance, grab the loot chests, and move down. Many of the Vexes spawned at the bottom of the staircase will not attack, and float down into the room below. Snipe the ones that do, and move down near the table. Snipe the Evokers and Illusioners from above if possible. Once they are all dealt with, carefully move into the basement. Keep a bow drawn to deal with any sneaky Vindicators. Grab all the loot and use the anvils to improve your gear. Flip the levers and move on to the next floor.

Hell Room There are two entrances to this room, each containing a staircase up to a larger room. Above, the room contains an Evoker and a Witch, along with many skeletons and some Blazes. In the middle of this room is a portal of End Gateway blocks. Past that is a netherlike room with blazes and some hidden loot chests. A staircase leads to a drop down into the next area, where there are Vindicators and more Blazes. Another portal in the floor leads to the final area. There are two sections, one containing several Vindicators, with lots of food, gold, and arrows, and the other containing an Evoker and anvils. At the end of these sections are buttons on gold blocks. Press them both to unlock the next floor. Strategy Clear out the staircases before moving into the Evoker room. Snipe the Evoker and the Witch from the sides, then move down into the hell area. Snipe the Blazes, grab the loot chests on the sides of the room, and move down. Snipe the Blazes and Vindicators, grab the loot chests, and move on. Snipe the Evoker from the staircase and press the button, then do your best to snipe the Vindicators on the other side. Press the button, collect the food, gold, and arrows from the chests (and the furnaces), improve and repair your gear with the anvils, and move on.

Floor 3 Spider Room A staircase leads up to a beat up room, full of spiders and cave spiders. Past that, the room opens up into a spiderweb filled cave, before leading down to the bottom, where there is a pool containing Guardians, with a run down library and kitchen on either side. In the middle of the room, there is a gateway of cobblestone walls and iron bars, with pressure plates behind them. Past the gate, there is also a hidden chest above a gravel collapse. Trigger the pressure plates to open the next floor. Strategy This room is living hell. Do your best to get at least a Power 3 bow before starting, as this will 1-shot cave spiders, which are the main problem. Mage's Rustys, Soldier's Firebombs, Hunter's traps, and Tank's armor bursts all do well here. Make sure to keep saturated, since you will likely be poisoned for a good portion of the time in this room. Try to kill all the spiders before moving on to the next section, but you can for the most part ignore the Guardians.

Four Horsemen The top of this area has two rooms with loot chests, before a wooden spiral staircase leading downwards. At the bottom, there is a large dirt room containing an altar with buttons. Press the buttons to summon the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Death is a skeleton wearing diamond armor, who will shoot instant damage arrows. Pain is also a skeleton, but wears gold armor and shoots poison arrows. War and Famine are both axe-wielding zombies in iron armor. Famine will inflict hunger on the player when hit. When all the Horsemen have been killed, holes will open up in the floor. Below is a water filled room containing many loot chests and some potions. Press the button near the doors to open the next floor. Strategy There are two viable "cheesy" strategies for the Horsemen. The first is to stay on the staircase, above where it is broken, and snipe the Horsemen from there. You can trigger the fight to start by shooting the buttons on the altar. Another option is to stockpile ability juices, and have a hunter place traps around the arena before starting. Both of there have minimal risk, but are not all that interesting. If you decide to do the fight legitimately, War and Famine are usually easier targets than Pain and Death. Arrows are your friends here, using melee is usually dangerous. Beat up on War and Famine, then gang up on Pain and Death one at a time. Drop down, collect your loot, and prepare for the final boss.

Floor 4 Ripper A large cave with dirt floors and stone walls. Around the floors are large bone block structures. Around the cave are several smaller caves, containing loot chests. There is an altar in the center, with a rusty grenade on it. Foolish Fred waits on the other side, who will be killed by Ripper as soon as the grenade is taken. The Ripper fight is in two phases. In the first, more rusty grenades will spawn around the room, which the players have to throw at the Ripper, who is underground. If the player comes into contact with the mass of particles above him, Ripper will throw them into the air. Hit him with three grenades to advance the fight. After he comes out from underground, Ripper has several attacks. He can simply melee attack the player, jump up and spawn a dangerous fart explosion, or perform a charge attack. The charge attack involves Ripper going back underground, before charging at the player, which will knock them into the air if they do not get out of the way. After that, Ripper will target the player, and pop back out from underground near them. When the fight is over, the players will be brought back to the main lobby. Strategy Collect the loot around the cave before starting the fight. Once the first phase starts, keep in mind that Ripper cannot leave the dirt floor area. Use this to your advantage by grabbing grenades, then running to the sides. Wait for him to follow you, then throw the grenades at him while he is close and can't hurt you. Once he is out of the ground, ranged attacks are usually the way to go. However, if you can get him on fire at all, that will help immensely. Hitting him is the main issue, as he doesn't have a lot of health, and the continuous ticking damage from fire can do quite a number. Mage's fireballs, Soldier's firebombs, and any Flame enchanted bows or Fire Aspect swords are valuable for this reason. Tank's armor bursts can also do a lot of damage to Ripper.

Apophis The room consists of a nether brick and netherrack platform in the center, surrounded by lava. Around in the lava, there are several statues of various things. Once all players have entered the arena, a Cult Witch will start spawning hordes of Cultists and Ghasts. After a certain amount of them are killed, another wave will start. After 3 of these waves, Apophis will emerge from the center. Apophis has several attacks. He can melee damage the player if they are close enough. If a player is close enough to him for long enough, he will coil up and summon a cloud of poison 2 particles. His main attack is firing 5 projectiles at various angles from his head. Being hit will do damage and inflict poison on the player. The final attack will see Apophis coil up, pause, and summon a column of purple particles. After a few seconds, poison will come down from the ceiling around one player. Killing Apophis will mean victory, and players will be returned to the lobby. Strategy Try to target the Ghasts first, as they can knock you out of the arena if you aren't careful. Mage's fireballs will kill them in one hit. The cultists can be dealt with similarly to the zombies on the first floor; firebombs, armor bursts, Rustys, and traps are all effective. Once Apophis spawns, make sure to keep an eye on him. If he pauses for the poison rain attack, make sure to keep moving to try to avoid it. When he fires the projectiles, try to slip in between them. If he is targeting another player, try to get up close and melee him at the back of his body. If you are the one being targeted, try to weave between the projectiles and do ranged damage. Gamma Bombs and Rocket Bows can be used here to great effect.