
Latest Version Server

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Revision as of 06:56, 27 July 2016 by Earthcow289 (Talk | contribs)

Zedwork Latest Version Server (LVS)

LVS is Zedwork's pure vanilla, community-run survival server.


Towns are formed around each warp location, each of which are owned and managed by the Zedling Council and their appointed mayors. The four warp towns are

-Hayfever Hills : BigBuilderAl -Savannah : Hominix -Forest Hills : Forseth & Lord Poseidon -The Extreme Hills : (unknown)

The Swamp used to be a warp The mayor of Swamp is Dax23333

Some players also choose to start their own towns, each may have their own town rules and mayors Altaria : Khas0rn & Skullometer Anzard : Memery & Danny ArchVille : xxRatitoyFearxx Cat Ville : Bengalboi DuckVilla : DarthDuck84 Doumont : ThatNurd & AmirArbely Mare : Huntresslove & _G_V Mooshroom Island : OPNOOB New Iron : Werble & Lilweeph Paradise Soars Dax23333 Timbo's Castle : Timbotiminator The Mines of Mul'Gore : EarthCow