
Zedkins 05-06-2021

From Zedwiki

Attended: Excused: Absent:
Zedwick dogzack123 SneakySkeleton
LadyBountiful OGBen_

Zedkin note taking.png

What's this? A seconds? How times have changed!


A spot of death 

Half of the Zedkins fell to their deaths while attending this meeting.

Mellorina hopes the warranty is still available for the floorboards.


Eventy things! 

With 1.17 around the corner, we felt it was a good idea to do an event in preperation!

Lots of ideas were tossed around, as well as fish, and eventually we came up with a mining contest.

Mellorina promised to make an appropriate forum post after the meeting.


Vote party! 

We take a break here to !vote, as all Zedlings should!



We discussed when the update would drop for the servers, with Zed giving a tentative guess of week, though warning it will be largely dependent on possible bugs and waiting on behind the scenes updates to plugins and such.

We then discussed whether it would be worth moving spawn. Most in attendance seemed to like the idea of moving it, but we went back and forth on when - before or after the update hits. We eventually decided we could wait until after, so that we can make use of the new blocks, and so the timing works out better for Lady and Zed.

A border expansion was mentioned by a Zedkin, but another mentioned that the Resource Dimension covered this need pretty neatly.

Finally, we talked on a statement by Agnes of Mojang, about smooth chunk blending around the new updated chunks. This implies that chunks near newly generated chunks would receive some kind of blending underground, rather than just a sheer drop to the negative y-values. Zed says he is unsure how exactly it would work, but that it does look interesting.


Annwick Zedouncements

Good news!

  • Plotzy Redstone Club! 6th June, 4pm BST
  • 1.17 arrives on the 8th June, and we'll be updating in the week or so after that!
  • Casual Buildathon will be hosted 4pm - 9pm BST on Sunday 27th June. The theme will be hdfahdfjhfdkafsdh!



We voted in MOABmobber as the newest Zedkin! Give them a warm welcome!

The Next meeting will be Saturday the 19th June 8PM BST.