
Zedkins 23-11-19

From Zedwiki

[Zz] Zedkins Zeconds 23-11-2019

Scribe: Mellorian ~ See Forum Minutes

Flounderwick.png I blame Snickaa for this.

Attended: Excused: Absent:
Zedwick SneakySkeleton Dogzack123
LadyBountiful Jasmyn01
Treiskaideka LeFozzy


Zedkins wandering into the Zedkin hall were greeted with a very unusual sight - a statue of Zedwick himself puking out a staircase.

This sparked some discussion that eventually led to Snickaa's conclusion of "Flounderwick".

That is all.

Status Report

We quickly went over various changes in Zen:

  • Jelmer8090 has opened the first Trust Stall in Zen Market place.

Since the shop plugin is awaiting an overhaul, shop buildings have been using trust shops to sell and buy items. Jelmer is the first to expand this practice to the stall area, though anyone who owns a stall or would like to own a stall may do the same!

  • The villager tower is slowly being populated with villagers for trading with.

The librarian basement should be functional, if you wish to trade for enchantments. Mellori will be getting villagers for the remaining floors over the next few weeks.

  • Zen will soon be sprinkled with wintery decorations!

Owners of shops may feel free to decorate their buildings appropriately, too.


Christmas Events

Seeing LVS planning for a "Christmas Event that Has Food but Might Not Be A Lunch, We're Not Sure" has inspired us to plan our own festive occasion. After some discussion, we settled on replicating, and improving, on a past event we ran, which we shall be announcing on the forums around the start of December.

We'd also like to remind people that they can make use of the Post Office in Zen to send Christmas Cards or just friendly letters to other Zedlings. I know it always brightens up my day to receive a nicely written letter!


Zed's Zawesome Zannouncements

What's that? It's not clever to just stick a Z in front of words to form alliteration?

Well, erm, Zi Zisagree, Zank Zou Zery Zuch.

Casual Buildathon!

24th of November, 2019 - 4pm to 9pm GMT - the theme is... apparently a really big secret until the event starts :(

Server Migration Zesty Games

To celebrate the server migrating, Zed is letting Zedlings host Zesty games, while Zesties can host Zesty+ games!


Make sure to put any topics or apologies for next meeting on the pre-agenda!

Hehehe, Zi'll Zhow Zhem Zlever <o/