
Zedkins 24/06/17

From Zedwiki

Zedkins Seconds 24/06/17

Scribe: SirOverskill ~ See Forum Version

Guess who’s back? Well, you probably already have guessed, given the fact it’s written beneath the post title. But in any case, that person is me. I’m back, to fulfil my one true purpose in life - writing mildly amusing notes for a minecraft server’s bi-weekly meetings. Whoopee. But enough about me, and more about our meeting…

-First, we had a jolly good chat about spawn rates. Apparently, some players have argued that they are too low, as they wish to live in a world where they cannot walk across their back garden without bumping into several beasties of the night. Zedwick indicated some interest in this idea, but the topic was fairly quickly derailed before any decisions were made.

-After that, we discussed the shocking events surrounding the brief takedown of the world border. It transpired that some players [read: dogzack] had decided to go exploring, thus generating huge amounts of new land. This increased the size of Zurvival’s world by 30 gigabytes. In response to this, Zedwick reinstated the world border for the foreseeable future, and told Dogzack he was a very naughty boy.

-After that, we then had a good old moan about the lack of /home and its damaging effects on our gameplay - many of us feel in danger of dying and losing our stuff, while others find it inconvenient for travel. Zedwick, who is invulnerable and can fly, has surprisingly little sympathy, but seemed to indicate he was ‘looking into it’.


-After that, we went on a half-hour long series of tangents, specifically a bitter spat about the importance of /pong and how its departure destroyed the soul of the server. While this conversation was very interesting, it wasn’t focused on the practical issues at hand, so we eventually got back to business.

-Finally, we discussed Zen, the region the Zedkins has been building since way back when. Should we only allow the use of the community farm for residents? What style should we use for the museum? What will be the date and nature of the opening ceremony? How will we try to build a working post office? Nobody knows - but the Zedkins will find out.

And that was basically the meeting. Boy, was it good to be back! I’m already looking forward to the next meeting (not very far forward however, as it’s this evening). See you all there!

Copied to the Wiki by Mellori