
Zedkins 28/02/16

From Zedwiki

[Zz] Zedkins' Seconds 28/02/16

Scribe: SirOverskill ~ See Forum Version

Ok children, let us gather round and listen to the incredibly exciting and important post-meeting seconds (similar to minutes, but more brief) of the first Zedkins, held in our snazzy meeting hall in Bridgeways, and chaired by Treiskaideka, who should be commended for not going utterly insane during the proceedings. The topics we covered are as follows:

Nominations - Our first topic was of course the rigorous selection process for the cream of the crop who could be involved in the nigh-impossible task of representing the best Zedwork server. All nominations were quizzed on being able to spell their own name, and then inaugurated as members by popular vote (they were all unanimously voted in). Here's the list (apologies so any misspellings of names - if you wanted it spelled correctly, you should have picked an easier name):

o Dogzack

o Treiskaideka (Director of the meeting)

o Lalarichter

o The1Shaw

o Captain Lotad

o Chester

o Sir Overskill

o Cuttlemaster

o Darthduck

o Adamandio

o Connorlaw

o [Zeddy and Lady B attended, but as dictators for life, there was no real point in a vote or nomination]

Council name - After making the tough calls on members, the council was faced with another controversial decision: picking the name of the council. After much deliberation, these options were voted upon:

o ZZ council

o Ze council

o Zedwick's fan club

o Zedkins

o Zurvivalist's council

The choice eventually boiled down to Zedkins or Zurvivalists' Council. Zedkins won due to the council believing it has a sense of humour.

Break - After all that hard work, we had a short break to catch our breath

Chairperson - We then needed to decide on whether we should have a chairperson leading the meetings and forces Zedkins to stay on topic. As Treiskaideka seemed to be having a lot of fun telling people to shut up, the idea was approved. A harder decision followed, the name - 'Overseer', 'Director', or various other silly ones. 'Director' came out on top, due to 'Overseer' being creepy.

Size Limit - We chose a size limit of 15 to prevent overcrowding, and keep the plebs out.

Member Admittance -One new member will be allowed per meeting in later meetings, once we are above size 10 settled on. This rule will be flexible and within reason, as we are kind rulers.

Member Selection - A member has to be endorsed by at least two people before being nominated, and has to be voted for by at least three people, with a majority voting for them.

Who Votes on What - Only members can vote on topics, but any old zedling who attends (even you, dear reader!) can vote on nominating/electing a new member.

Seen and not Heard - On our authoritarian sister council, non-members aren't allowed to speak unless directly asked to by a member. We decided against this rule, unless it starts to become a problem.

Topic Proposal - Anyone can propose a topic. Topics which are proposed pre-meeting will be stuck in the agenda and discussed before other topics, to create a ruthlessly efficient body.

Resignations - After shamelessly stealing a bunch of LVS's regulations, we decided not to break new ground in this area, so I'll just quote their rule: "Any resignations of a council member from The Council will not come into effect until the meeting after the meeting it was announced in. If a resignation is given on the forum or otherwise between meetings, the council must hear of it in a meeting for it to be officially recognised and then will only take effect at the following meeting's end."


A picture of a similar organisation in action

Absence Marked - If you decide to be a naughty boy/girl/other and not attend a meeting, your absence will be marked and you will be berated harshly. After four instances of this, you will be sacked due to clear incompetence.

Attendance and Absences - "If attendance is not recorded for a meeting, any absence from that meeting is excused, and no attendance strikes will be added" to be honest, I'm not sure what this means, but we voted in favour of it.

Agenda-less Contingency Plan - If no Pre-Meeting Agenda thread exists, members of Zedkins should discuss the next meeting on the Zedkins thread (I assume someone will post it)

Code of Conduct - As we're all per usual, we're nicking the code of conduct for the foressable future, as it seems serviceable.

Break 2.0 - At this point, we decided we needed another break to catch our breath and natter a little before the really important issues came up.

Badges - Can't be a special organisation without special privileges, as we call know. The mighty Zedkins demand their badge, and Zed (guess what) promised to 'look into it'.

Purpose of Zedkins - We began to discuss this issue, but it developed into conversation about the End. The conclusion to draw from this is that Zedkins controls the End and has a short attention span.

End Committee - We split off a group of people we felt weren't working hard enough into a special task force to deal with the End reset and other issues that I don't really understand, although there may be a jumble sale involved. This group is made up of Lala, Dogz, Shaw, and Adam.

Iron Farm - A topic brought up by adamandio - results are inconclusive, as there were about six separate votes and we touched on diverse subjects like shop plugins, Zirtual Zurrency, and communism. Ultimately, it seems people want shop plugins, don't want a Zirtual Zurrency (or any form of virtual currency), and wish to avoid communism.

Next Meeting - Apparently, people are insane enough to want another meeting. Weekly, monthly, and fortnightly ones were suggested, but argued about. Zedwick, in rare bout of helpfulness, suggested just seeing what works. Lo and behold: we did just that. Check the agenda for more deets.

I hope you had more fun reading these than I had writing them (it would be difficult not to). See you at the next meeting!

Copied to the Wiki by Mellori