
Zedkins 4/02/17

From Zedwiki

Zedkins Seconds 04/02/17

Scribe: SirOverskill ~ See Forum Version

Evening all, and welcome to a very special edition of Seconds tonight. That’s right - this will be the finale of my celebrated career as writer of these notes, as Cuttle and I are going on a hiatus for a little while. We will be back, probably. But for now you'll have to make do with whatever poor bugger they manage to rope into doing this. In any case, let’s limit the tears and being writing these Seconds (like minutes but worse):

1. Map Update - The first topic was a map update, which gave us an update on the map. For those who don't know, a project led by the1shaw and dogzack has been attempting to make a map of the entire world - no mean feat. It's going pretty well, or so they say. The team is still looking for both donations (emeralds) and volunteers (naive but well intentioned fools) so if you’re up for that then do it.

2. Birthday Party - April 9th is the day of Zedwork’s birth, and so too will it be the day of its death. Just kidding! It will in fact be the day of its fifth birthday, which we planned a bit of. A party of some kind is in the works - Treis even hinted at cake!


The Zedkins deep in session

3. Simplifying the Beginning - this topic was something that may actually affect players, a rare occurrence for Zedkins. We discussed the process of new players joining the server, and how it can be confusing for them, what with greetings, pop-ups, new commands, and a variety of other things cluttering up their little heads. This makes it very difficult for them to follow the rules, such as not stealing and murdering people. After bandying about some suggestions like new rulebooks and command toggle, Zedwick promised to look into it.

4. New Protector - after a horrific incident of abuse on the server, we decided we needed to discuss the possibility of creating new protectors in order to combat the growing crime wave. After all, the current protectors are famously reclusive, even leading to debates as to whether they exist. Several ‘upstanding’ community members were suggested, but Zedwick hinted that he had another solution in mind. Crime, he said, would be a thing of the past. What could he mean? Autoban? Mute powers? Zurvival shutting down? Only time will tell.

5. Spawn Builds - as we suggested a couple of meetings ago, Zedwick announced that spawn builds could be curated soon™ - reverting the activity of a player who has been inactive for over a month.


A close up of our eminent leader

6. New Colour - Dogzack, in an innocent and selfless way, suggested that older players deserved a new colour and/or badge to indicate our importance and power. Zed seemed a little averse to this idea, shooting it down fairly quickly. Maybe when badges are reintroduced. Maybe.

7. Goodbyes - As I mentioned at the start of this Seconds, Cuttle and I are going on something of an extended holiday for a while, and won't be able to visit the server for a while. This’ll be our last meeting for a while, and we'd like to say thanks to everyone for putting up with us for so long. We've been hanging out here for nearly four years, and it's been pretty great. See you all if we get back!

And that's about it really. I'm off. I love all you. Yeah, even you. Especially you, in fact, you cheeky minx.

Copied to the Wiki by Mellori