
Zedkins 5/03/16

From Zedwiki

[Zz] Zedkins' Seconds 05/03/16

Scribe: SirOverskill ~ See Forum Version

Hello everybody. It looks like I got manipulated into doing these incredibly fun notes again, so open wide and receive your spoonful of tasty seconds (like minutes, but shorter and all-round worse) from the last meeting of Zedkins on the 5th of March:

Members attending - Chester, Cuttle, Nano, Shaw, Lala, Treis (who chaired again), Zeddy, Adamandio, Darthduck (I've probably forgotten a few, so sorry if you were there and I didn't get you down - I also only stuck members down, as doing spectators would be far too much like work)

New member - Apparently we've managed to find another person insane enough to volunteer for this job, so we'd all like to offer a warm welcome (and our condolences) to Maple_Is_Syrup as our newest member of Zedkins.

Rules - We then decided to discuss if we needed to bring in any more rules or regulations to make Zedkins an even more convoluted process. After a long silence, we couldn't think of any ideas and moved on.

The Museum - Maple didn't wait long to exercise their new-found powers, proposing the creation of a museum for the server. The rest of Zedkins approved, but decided on not placing it at spawn, as it could get in the way, and spawn will change anyway.

ZZMuseum.jpg An artist's rendering of the Zedkins meeting

The End post-1.9 - After that riveting dialogue, we swiftly moved onto a more interesting topic: what we'd do with the end after 1.9 and its subsequent reset. This topic really split into a number of discussions, so I'll deal with them individually:

o The Egg - As we all know, eggs are an invaluable resource, and dragon eggs above all others. Thus we concluded that the dragon egg in the End must be dealt with. Despite suggestions that it be destroyed or confiscated permanently by Zedkins, we ultimately decided it belonged in a museum, and would be only temporarily looked after by the council.

o Dragon loot - This topic was a little more simple to resolve, as we just decided that a free-for-all would be a useful and efficient way to spread around the other loot from our scaly friend.

o Who owns the End? - This topic was a bit too confusing for us, so we decided to postpone it and probably delegate it to the End committee after an overly long debate.

o Poaching - After all the boring stuff was out of the way, everyone decided to go and kill the poor innocent animal straight after the meeting, which probably violates some animal rights laws.

Next meeting - Scheduled for the 19th of March, two weeks after this one. Be there or be square! An agenda will be posted for it at some point, so keep your eyes peeled for that.

And that's about everything from these seconds, which were thankfully a little shorter than the last ones. See you at the next meeting!

Copied to the Wiki by Mellori