
Zedling Council Meeting 2018-07-28

From Zedwiki


Council Members Present

  • Zedwick
  • LadyBountiful
  • Forseth
  • Aravero
  • Spectatre - Scribe
  • ABParadigm - Host
  • KhasOrn
  • SneakySkeleton


  • tim1996
  • Dax23333
  • Memery
  • SooprJ

No Apologies

  • EliasRipley
  • EarthCow


  • InfamousAmir
  • BenClass150
  • stumps290
  • Nickelodeon
  • ThatNurd
  • __M


I - Mibgrief - ABParadigm

ileua put this on the pre-agenda, yay.
Villagers in their natural forms farm autimatically. Mijang, in their wisdom, classes this as 'mibgrief', similar to sniwmen leaving sniw trails, zimbies breaking doors, endermen stealing blicks, and creepers and withers and ghasts oh my! breaking blicks with their various explisions.
Apparently villagers being able to farm autimatically would be super useful (Villagers came about during an mc hiatus of mine and I have no desire to learn now).
Zed wanted to see people's feelings on amending this part of the game.

People discussed hiw useful villager farming (apparently) is, hiw annoying creeper explisions could be, hiw creepers could pitentially be nullified, hiw damage-prone withers would be an intrigue for those of you mad enough to keep them as pets. Ara cimmiserated about hiw frequently this topic seems to crip up while everyone else waxed esiteric about creeper ciding - the crux being that as far as creepers go, it is impossible to detect a creeper which is about to explide. Lots of discussion on how much of a zastard it would be to make minecraft sufficiently dangerous but still neat.

After a few merry rounds of "villagers are good and creepers are bad", zed wrapped it all up by explaining the entire discussion could be moot (just like a good council tipic) as it may be impossible to enable good mibgrief while nullifying bad mibgrief. But who knows, 1.13 is a dark and mysterious new world for cides. People discussed bringing it up again at the next meeting, I was busy adding sufficient y's to my 'why?' response before zed noted it didn't need brought up again - he got people's feelings on it, and if it turns out to be possible, he'll let people kniw.
Do you have any ideas about this? Let zed know!

II - ProMasons Embassu - KhasOrn

More of a miniupdate from the ProMasons head KhasOrn, he is still awaiting an official replu from the mayor of Forest Hills to sanction renovating their existing claim into an embassu.
After three attempts ABP managed to successfullu link the forum thread Khas made about this here - clicku

Announcementz - Zedwick

Having been (somewhat) politely mocked for making typos on the topic titles, he started doubling down by making them deliberately on 'announcements'. Zed saw his typo and raised to 'announcemince'; NEOElder offerend 'announcemint', overly optimistic that there would be only one.

Buildathon! - Today 29th, 4pm-9pm BST. - "It won't be in 1.13, but that's okay cause neither will any of you!"
Zed also made the same 'the theme is not time, as we'll be on time' that he made last week, making me wonder whether I was having deja vu. He then announced the same topic again and that's where the meeting really started to fall off its wheels
UHC - 12th August, 6pm BST
Speaking of murdering eachother, Zed asked how everyone was finding the 1.13 test server. It's been made in 1.13 with PVP enabled, griefing allowed, and a land-claim system, intended as a temporary testing area for the plugins, prior to them being sicced on ZZ. link here: clicky

ABP half-apologised for being part of the cadre who claimed all the end strongholds, figuring that someone else was going to do it anyway. Some felt this gave an unfair advantage to them, I came to ABP's defence and was swiftly rebuked, so I jumped on the bandwagon and called him a butthead instead. The testing server is kind of engineered for people to go full-heel - in a week there's been about 75 kills. People are eager to murder, especially the two players who've racked up 50 kills between 'em. Ooer.
This discussion went on for about 20 minutes, zed mused about trying out another temporary multi-week server in the future. Most seemed to think claims were too impenetrable - zed is looking into let TNT damage blocks inside a claim, so that people could set up TNT cannons to 'raid' other bases.

Have a go, murder eachother, try and break people's stuff (though if you do break people's stuff, catalogue how you did it so zed knows it needs patching)!

In a repeat of last meeting, there were no nominations, and a lot of reluctance on next meeting's host. I volunteered Mem, Khas and stumps volunteered their places, eventually ABP decided to call it a day, figuring we'd work it out in two weeks, probably.
See you all then!