
Zedling Council Meeting 2019-04-06

From Zedwiki


Council Members Present

  • Soviet_Pingu (Host)
  • Dax23333 (Scribe)
  • Dave5400
  • Spectatre
  • SneakySkeleton
  • SooprJ
  • Zedwick
  • LadyBountiful
  • KhasOrn
  • ABParadigm


  • Memery
  • Forseth
  • Aravero

No Apologies

  • Nobody!


  • AlyCatMeow
  • BengalBoi

Soviet_Pingu hosted on a small frozen island outpost. The lack of roof promted immediate concern of impending doom in the form of phantoms. Shelters were constructed from whatever was at hand, including diamond blocks and shulker boxes. Once turtled up Dax offered to scribe which could be described as a foolish thing to do given that he had a topic.


Market Underpayment - Dax23333

As discussed on the meeting pre-agenda on the forum market underpayment has remained an issue lately and is causing a lot of lost payments and time correcting it on everyones part. It is highly desirible that it stop happening, and the council discussed methods to do this. Almost all underpayments found have been where diamonds have been paid in place of diamond blocks. After some discussion a number of ideas were come up with which could help the issue in various ways. All ideas were discussed for thoughroughness. Note dyscalculia and other disabilities that make reading numbers hard, or recource packs bugs removing words. These make mistakes happen without any fault. This is of course taken into account during the Guardians investigations. Positives and negatives were found of the ideas and each voted on to determine support. (Note from scribe - I totally forgot that only council members are meant to vote and just tallied up everyones Ayes or Nays)

Dedicated forum thread.

Zedwick has made a decicated thread here to report market issues on. Please use this for reporting any and all underpayments found in the market.

Market ban

This first idea was to implement the ability to prevent certain players from entering the market for a period of time for use as a less severe punishment than an outright server ban. This would be a deterrent to underpayment. Would be less severe than a server ban so can be given to a first time offender. It would not be a publicly known list, so would not shame players. It could not cover end (or other) markets, so would be marginally effective at best. Zedwick is against this as it'd differentiate betweeen zedlings. Would get requests to check if market has an item because the person got banned for misreading a sign.

Aye: |||||

Nay: ||

This idea was generally well recieved by those present, but notably not by Zedwick who would actually have to do it so this is not going to happen.

Board of shame

A board to publicly shame those who underpaid. Everyone still awake enthusiasticly lept into a vote of thier own accord to nay this idea as soon as it came up.



Reccomend changing most prices to diamonds (not blocks)

Seeing as most issues of underpayment are confusing blocks for diamonds having prices in diamonds only makes this go away. It removes that excuse and improves accessability. Unfortunatly it makes high value trading more difficult (can't really ask for more than 64 of an item) and is ultimatly caving to pressure of crime rather than preventing it happening in the first place.



We are doing this, and Sneaky will (has?) added this to the market rules board after the meeting.

Make the Zriends do it

Dax threatended to go on strike, and general opinion of this idea was that it was a bad one. Fun history fact - the market used to be run like this in the very early days of it. We don't want to go back to that.


Nay: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Market Patrols

Trial having somebody check high value items for underpayment during meeting. Would be in addition to sellers checking thier own chests. We alreayd have multiple volenteers to try this. Spec and Dax and ABP and Sneaky and Soopr(and his axe) say they'd do it. How an axe might assist in this matter is yet to be seen.



This will be done as a trial. We can always decided to scrap it if not worth it in a future meeting.

Move high value items to private trade only

High value items would only be available for purchase in person, and not in the market. This would make underpayments far more difficult for these items. Unfortunatly it would make trading much more difficult and cut sales greatly.



Market Tutorial Tunnel

On first time entrance a player would be teleported to the start of a tutorial tunnel to teach how to use the market. The player would have to move through this to get into the market, past information on how the market works. Currently the information on this is placed where it is highly likely to miss it on the way in. Educates new players to the ways of the market and common mistakes, so hopefully less of those mistakes will be made.



This is happening, will at first be an optional drop down until Zedwick makes a system to place people in the start of it. Planning has started already!

Use version 1.14 sign wood types to colour code prices

This would only really help experienced players who do not need the help and be unseen by everyone else.



Custom Recource Pack

Recource packs can add custom characters which can be made to appear as an image of a diamond or diamond block, or iron or gold of either. This would be made a server recource pack, and change nothing else apart from adding these custom characters. These text characters would likely need to be copied from the wiki or a forum post. Forcing usage of the recource pack is not possible, the player can always refuse it. This helps with clarity and therefore also accessability. Characters would not show without pack, so would not ruin anything for packless people. Notably this would be in addition to current pricing notation. It woudl however be an advantage only for some, as not all can use packs (apparantly).



Zedwick will look into this idea.

Alys muder birthday party - ABP

Aly wants to be killed as a birthday present, turn up on next saturday to try and kill her to death and get away with it. Make it creative, redstone and mobs encouraged. Join this event on the forums here. There has been a fancy (and mystery) reward promised.

Hayfever Hills tunnel - ABP

The Hayfever Hills Nether Tunnel is finally open! ABP has done very well with this tunnel doing most of the work, he was assisted by most of the Zriends. This amazing new tunnel can be found next to the End tunnel in the top room of the Nether Hub.

Zookie stand bows and arrows: AlyCatMeow

Zookies like bows and arrows, would be nice to provide these at the stand. The suggestion to deliver arrows at high velocity via dispenser was shot down. AB suggests brewing stand. Aly says no this isn't the topic. Dax says... Don't stand for this (EPIC PUNS) Zed says don't put blocks in the zookie, reason being that greifers like to spam blocks all over the place and enabling this is a bad idea.

Approved, this will be happening.

Zedtime Stories (Announcements)

Bridge Wars free hosting this weekend! Dungeon Dash free hosting will be from the 12th april to the 15th. Find the sinister secrets of the latest update! Advancementhunters Tournament 1, Sunday 14th April 6pm BST. DartZ will be privatly hostable by Zesty+ subscribers from 19th April Sunday 28th Casual buildathon, 4pm bst to 9pm bst.


AlyCatMeow has joined the council! Welcome!

Next meeting will be hosted by AlyCatMeow on 20th of April at 8pm BST