
Zedling Council Meeting 2020-05-30

From Zedwiki


Council Members Present

  • Zedwick
  • LadyBountiful
  • Memery
  • Spectatre
  • iij2000x (host)
  • ABParadigm (scribe)
  • MasterBoy269
  • DannyC96
  • KhasOrn


  • SooprJ
  • Dax23333
  • Memery even though he decided to come anyway

No Apologies

  • Timoteey
  • Tjob
  • babybop224
  • BengalBoi
  • SneakySkeleton
  • Forseth


  • DarthDuck84
  • Cubegirlxd

Ah, what a glorious sight this meeting hall was. By glorious sight, I mean there was absolutely nothing there, bar a few chairs and a table. You see, iij was playing a game with us all along, and he was the one truly in control. We were merely entities in his realm for this meeting. That being said, we still progressed with our bi-monthly meeting, and the following is the accounts of this meeting... the first accounts in the infinity realm.


Chorus Chaos and Safer Storage - DepthDuck84

After the last meeting's topic by Depth- er- Darthduck, the Zriends and Darth took care of a few problems at the new player farm, the main of which being a storage crisis. Additionally, talk about removing the chorus farm was discussed because of the apparent difficulty keeping the farm stocked with new chorus plants as well as the fact that new players are sometimes naughty and hence don't really need such a thing. In short, we were talking about removing things in a meeting hall made of nothing. Do we remove the chorus farm, or have we already done it, and that's why we are where we are?

Ready, Zeddy, GO! - Memery

As has become customary for every (or most, looking at you, Zz) Wednesdays, Mem was going to take the task of doing the event this week! Spec and Mem have been coming up with a new game show to be hosted this coming Wednesday, called "Ready, Zeddy, GO!" Of course, that means the game show will need some contestants, so make sure to come to the event at 8:00 PM BST on Wednesday, June 3rd! Mem and Spec have taken the liberty of writing down some of the ideas given by members of the council, including, but not limited to; "Drop anvils on them," and "Drop them into a pit of angry slimes." Make sure to bring a helmet and a swimsuit!

Zed's Wordy words that are wordy... or fiery... or something like that... - Zedwick

June 3rd, 8pm BST - Ready, Zeddy, GO!
June 31st - Casual Buildathon!
Running until June 8th - DungeonDash free hosting!

Nominations/Next Meeting

No one wanted to join the council, so no one was nominated into it. The next meeting will be hosted on June 13th, 2020, at 8:00 PM, to be hosted by Memery in Darthduck84's meeting chamber. See you then!