
Zedling Council Meeting 2022-02-19

From Zedwiki


Council Members Present

  • Zedwick
  • Forseth
  • TheMrPayne
  • Memery
  • iij2000x


  • Dax23333 (Host)
  • Spectatre (Scribe)
  • ABParadigm
  • DarthDuck84

No Apologies

  • Neytan269


  • Quarthe

Today's meeting was hosted by Payne in a cave he happened to find under his house. He assures us it was like this when he moved in and not to ask any more questions.


Zesty Games? When can we have - Mellorina

Mell opened up the meeting asking about the return of Zesty games. Zed said that while they were currently still broken it was top of his priorities to get up and running. He also shared his desire for a huge ZestyGames relaunch once they return with many tournaments and prizes and fun all around.

Memery (me) offered to host a ZestyGames Olympics of sorts once they had returned as a fun way to bring everything back together? More discussion was had, people seem keen to have them back and Zed is keen to get them working again too!

Migration to Microsoft account - Zedwick

WEE WOOO WEEEE WOOO REMINDER THAT YOU MUST UPDATE YOU ACCOUNT TO A MICRSOFT ACCOUNT BEFORE MARCH 10TH OR YOU CANT PLAY!!! (You can still update your account after March 10th but you will be unable to play with an un-migrated account)

Skygrid - Zedwick

A combined topic that I am splitting into two. Zed officially confirmed that Skygrid will be returning on 4th March! This will be a server wide event that encourages everyone to come together and play Minecraft in a spicy new and fun way!

The event and ser4ver will run for about a Month unless it proves to be nice and popular! It will be accessible via the Zestyland portal in the lobby!


Zed announced that Skygrid would be coming.... hey wait a minute we already talked about this! Zed also would not given any hints regarding the theme of Skygrid even though he told Zz what the theme would be at their meeting. WOW.

Nominations/Next Meeting

There were no nominations this week and the next host will be...... anticipation.... MELL VOLUNTEERED TO HOST WOOOO