by ABParadigm » Fri Dec 29, 2017 4:23 pm
[will be copy and pasting the following wall of text on SneakySkeleton's undercutting post]
I felt a need to be clear, I have voiced strong opposition for undercutting, but I do not by any means encourage a regulation be passed on this topic, as it would be far more trouble than it is worth. What I would rather have is a format where something such as "[X #] many complaints to a [Zriend or Guardian] is a bit ridiculous, maybe this person ought to know that they are harming the market/annoying other players on [X item], and be told to adjust their price a bit before it becomes a tense issue between players/if it becomes necessary." This would allow the free market to STILL come into play, without a forced change, but let the individual know that they are below the "standard" word-of-mouth price and starting to irritate other players.
As a side note, I think a regulations SHOULD come into play that DOES NOT allow free items to be posted into the market.
Despite my dislike of a regulation on this topic, I feel "free items" should be dealt with in other ways, certainly not as a standard price in the market.
I don't think a regulation should be passed, but certainly a way of anonymously reporting the frustrations, and if the frustrations become all-too-frequent for the [Zriends or Guardians] ears it be noted, and changed if it becomes absolutely necessary. Key word: necessary.
I have been stating through this time the solution of messing up the entire market, adding a minimum price to every item, and letting "one bad apple spoil the bunch" when it doesn't need to come to that. I just thought regulations should be held as a last-resort, and that we regard Dax23333's tests and SneakySkeleton's replies to be as part of the discussion on why it is an issue, and let it be known undercutting is more of an issue than it may seem at the surface.
Please also note that I said Zriend or Guardian, as I was not sure which would be more prevalent in this scenario.
Not the brightest bulb in the box... but at least I'm not the broken bulb.