
Zedling Council Meeting 2019-05-18

From Zedwiki


Council Members Present

  • Dax23333 (Host and glorious pilot; got most of the ship to its destination)
  • LadyBountiful (surveyed us all with serene calm, as always)(got knocked overboard when the engine, having started, destroyed her foothold)
  • SovietPingu (knocked Spec off the airship, then got knocked off airship) (took great joy in ABP's surprise demise) (also fell off due to the ship starting)
  • SneakySkeleton (resident phantom sniper)
  • Aravero (also shot a lot of phantoms) (probably) (I'm guessing, anyway. Lots of phantoms got shot and I didn't help at all)
  • BenClass150 (fell to his death, reasonably so given he didn't have an Elytra) (later died to Phantoms) (really just didn't have a great trip)
  • Zedwick (tried in vain to keep an escape route open)
  • KhasOrn (arrived late but still managed to use the glitchy portal without death)
  • ABParadigm (died, inexplicably, while sitting in an aircart) (almost like you shouldn't tempt the gods with murdergames and expect them not to play, eh?) (Karma, more like cart-ma)
  • Spectatre (Just about remembered to post notes, then remembered to add terrible wordplay)(also sat in a glitched aircart and did not die, nerr nerr)


  • Memery
  • Forseth

No Apologies

  • SooprJ
  • Dave5400
  • AlyCatMeow


lots and lots and lots of Phantoms

This meeting was a Zedwork first - we took to the skies in an actual factual flying machine of Dax's own making. It was always going to be a bit precarious; the quirkiness of redstone, being in phantoms domain without cover, not to mention 80 blocks above any ground. It went off without a hitch. Yes, there were three deaths, multiple people fell off, half the ship got left behind and the ground below was littered with minecarts, boats, membrane and Ben's twice-bedeathened-corpse. But, who's to say that wasn't all part of Dax's intricate, deliberate plan to make the meeting more memorable? Introducing a little jeopardy to the situation certainly keeps everyone attentive and focused on the meeting. When they weren't focused on the phantoms, anyway.

It was absolutely fab.


Market checks

Dax reminded us that two meetings ago we arranged for a pre-meeting activity of checking the market at spawn, due to the increase in thefts/underpayments. At the total surprise of all council, we forgot to do a thing we arranged to do. Luckily I'd had a look earlier in the day and hadn't found anything. Yay! We decided we'd try again next meeting.

1.14, huh! What is it good for? Absolutely nothin'

How is the move to 1.14 going? Not very fast. The bugs they say are fixed are not fixed, and said unfixed bugs are gamebreaking and catastrophic. Everyone remember how we moved onto 1.13 and everything collapsed so Zed had to roll it back? That wasn't fun for man nor beast, especially given that if chunks are loaded and gain these 1.14 glitches, they may remain permanent even with a rollback.
So in an overabundance of caution as well as a wish to not break the server, Zed's waiting until they get something more stable on the table. You're just gonna have to wait for the pandas and foxes and massive wildebeesty things that are now ramraiding villages.


Casual buildathon is happening May 26th, 4pm-9pm BST! Theme TBA, as usual
That was it for Zed's nouncements, which was good given at this point half the ship decided to take a break and stop moving, like one of those old-timey westerns where some of the train gets decoupled so the bandits can take the loot. Luckily Dax had remembered to fit a reverse gear to the front, and slowly rumbled back to the stranded council members who were set upon by the sky bandits known as phantoms.
At this point Zed realised the warp back to spawn had also given up the ghost, so we had no choice but to sally forward to Forest Hills. Dax ferried the back of the ship part of the way, but then decided to make everyone more cosy by cramming us all in the front portion and speeding away. So somewhere the back half of this ship is just hangin' about the place, a grand monument to the impredictability of circuitry.


Our intrepid streamer councillor extraordinaire Aravero celebrates two years on Youtube! Council congratulated her heartily; some also adding that she was a very pretty princess while others mentioned rumours about her seditious connection to some sort of strange goings on in River Bend...

Nominations/Next Meeting

There was nobody elected into the council, and the front of the ship along with its passengers made it to Forest Hills. Even parked above some bits of water so Ben could escape without falling to his death (thoughtful, innit).
ABP, having been truly inspired by the events of the meeting, decided to host the next meeting as an invasion into ZZ.