
Sinister Sisters

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Revision as of 20:10, 5 November 2020 by Dax23333 (Talk | contribs) (Added Valdis moveset information)

The Sinister Sisters are one of two unlockable bosses for Dungeon Dash and are formed of Kunnigr, Valdis and Hjördis. The Sinister Sisters possess mobility and area denial and can outnumber smaller parties of adventurers. Each of the three sisters has a seperate moveset and attack independently. They are able to summon a minion made from the corpses of slain adventurers to bring more to the battle.

Behavior (Valdis)

Behavior description

Attack Description When Used Comments
Place Doll Valdis places a doll on the ground, if stepped on by an adventurer they will explode and deal damage. All the time. The placement of dolls makes precice movement critical in the battle.
Detonate Dolls Valdis detonates all her dolls in a wave. When many dolls have been placed. Valdis will announce that she has nearly enough dolls shortly before performing this attack. In her second form more dolls will be placed before performing this attack.
Charge Valdis spirals into the ceiling before flying across the room leaving explosions in her wake. Random trigger. Valdis announces the player she is targetting with this move as it starts. In her second form she makes 3 passess across the room rather than just one.
Burrow Valdis burrows underground to reposition. When damaged. Valdis will flee less often when in her second form.

Behavior (Kunnigr)

Coming soon...

Behavior (Hjördis)

Coming soon...

Room Desctiption

The Sinister Sisters room starts with a drop down through a portal into a corridor through an open cave in the hell dimension. Adventurers enter an elevator to be taken up to the room proper, a medium sized chamber dominated by a large cannon which the Sisters will fire at players as they leave the elevator.


Running to the side immediately on entering the room is a must to avoid being hit by a burst of fireballs


Dungeon Dash
Classes Soldier DD Soldier stick.pngChef DD Chef stick.pngBerserker DD Beserker stick.pngHunter DD Hunter stick.pngMage DD Mage stick.pngTank DD Tank stick.pngWitch DD Witch stick.png
Equipment Relics Nether star.pngReward Items DD Hell sword.pngSpecial Loot Golden pickaxe.png
Locations 1st Floor2nd Floor3rd FloorBoss Floor
Monsters CultistsGhostsIllagersSpidersBosses (RipperApophisThe ArchivistSinister Sisters)