From Zedwiki
Apophis is a large worm-like monster found in the mysterios Hell dimension found through various portals in the dungeon. He is one of the default bosses for Dungeon Dash. Apophis is a large and slow creature who attacks mainly with poison. Its relationship with the Cult of Undeath is mysterious, appearing to fight alongside them in his battle.
Apophis is a single phase boss (The cultist waves form the first phase of the encounter) in which adventurers must deplete his massive health pool. Easy to hit but unflinching and durable this can still take quite some time. Any contact with Apophis will deal damage to the adventurer. Apophis can rarely escape the platform it spawns on and move onto the lava, at which point he will resurface in the centre of the arena to continue the fight.
Attack | Description | When Used | Comments |
Ram | Apophis chases an adventurer in an attempt to ram them. | Default behavior. | Can be very dangerous if an adventurer lets themselves get stuck in a corner as Apophis grates past them. Otherwise it is a rather slow attack which is easy to avoid. |
Coil | Apophis coils up tight and emits a poison cloud while spinning. | When target is close. | This can happen quickly and deal a lot of poison damage. It does however give a good opening to shoot Apophis with arrows. It is possible to get trapped in the centre of the coil which will usually lead to death. |
Retarget | Apophis pauses before changing direction sharply to chase an adventurer. | When target is close. | Not very dangerous but allows Apophis to make better use of the Ram attack. |
Poison Rain | Apophis coils up before stopping and causing a column of purple particles to appear above him. Shortly afterwards a pattern of poison projectiles will fall from the ceiling, targetting an adventurer. | When target is far away. | If you are close to Apophis when he starts this move it is a huge opening, but if far away you could be a target and should run to avoid the attack. |
Poison Spit | Apophis pauses to shoot a spread of 5 projectiles which inflict damage and poison. | When target is at medium range. | This is Apophis's most common move. Weaving between the projectiles is a good strategy. |
Room Desctiption
The room consists of a nether brick and netherrack platform in the center, surrounded by lava. Around in the lava, there are several statues of various things. Once all players have entered the arena, a Cult Witch will start spawning hordes of Cultists and Ghasts. After a certain amount of them are killed, another wave will start. After 3 of these waves, Apophis will emerge from the center. Apophis has several attacks. He can melee damage the player if they are close enough. If a player is close enough to him for long enough, he will coil up and summon a cloud of poison 2 particles. His main attack is firing 5 projectiles at various angles from his head. Being hit will do damage and inflict poison on the player. The final attack will see Apophis coil up, pause, and summon a column of purple particles. After a few seconds, poison will come down from the ceiling around one player. Killing Apophis will mean victory, and players will be returned to the lobby.
Try to target the Ghasts first, as they can knock you out of the arena if you aren't careful. Mage's fireballs will kill them in one hit. The cultists can be dealt with similarly to the zombies on the first floor; firebombs, armor bursts, Rustys, and traps are all effective. Once Apophis spawns, make sure to keep an eye on him. If he pauses for the poison rain attack, make sure to keep moving to try to avoid it. When he fires the projectiles, try to slip in between them. If he is targeting another player, try to get up close and melee him at the back of his body. If you are the one being targeted, try to weave between the projectiles and do ranged damage. Gamma Bombs and Rocket Bows can be used here to great effect.
- Apophis is named after the ancient Egyptian deity embodying chaos (otherwise known as Apep) who appears as a giant serpent.
Dungeon Dash | ||
Classes | Soldier ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Equipment | Relics ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Locations | 1st Floor • 2nd Floor • 3rd Floor • Boss Floor | |
Monsters | Cultists • Ghosts • Illagers • Spiders • Bosses (Ripper • Apophis • The Archivist • Sinister Sisters) |