
Difference between revisions of "Zedling Council"

From Zedwiki

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* [[ThatNurd]] [ [[Zedling Council Meeting 2018-09-08|2018-09-08]]  - [[Zedling Council Meeting 2019-01-26|2019-01-26]] ]
* [[ThatNurd]] [ [[Zedling Council Meeting 2018-09-08|2018-09-08]]  - [[Zedling Council Meeting 2019-01-26|2019-01-26]] ]
* [[tim1996]] [ [[Zedling Council Meeting 2018-03-10|2018-03-10]] - [[Zedling Council Meeting 2019-01-26|2019-01-26]] ]
* [[tim1996]] [ [[Zedling Council Meeting 2018-03-10|2018-03-10]] - [[Zedling Council Meeting 2019-01-26|2019-01-26]] ]
* [[ACERPROSPY]] [From 2016-04-23  - [[Zedling Council Meeting 2019-01-26|2019-01-26]]
* [[ACERPROSPY]] [ 2016-04-23  - [[Zedling Council Meeting 2019-01-26|2019-01-26]]
* [[EarthCow]] [From [[Zedling Council Meeting 2018-05-05|2018-05-05]] - [[Zedling Council Meeting 2018-07-28|2018-08-25]] ]
* [[EarthCow]] [ [[Zedling Council Meeting 2018-05-05|2018-05-05]] - [[Zedling Council Meeting 2018-07-28|2018-08-25]] ]
* [[EliasRipley]] [ [[Zedling Council Meeting 2017-11-18|2017-11-18]] - [[Zedling Council Meeting 2018-07-28|2018-07-28]] ]
* [[EliasRipley]] [ [[Zedling Council Meeting 2017-11-18|2017-11-18]] - [[Zedling Council Meeting 2018-07-28|2018-07-28]] ]
* [[HOMINIX]]  [2015-07-04 - [[Zedling Council Meeting 2018-07-14|2018-07-14]] ]
* [[HOMINIX]]  [2015-07-04 - [[Zedling Council Meeting 2018-07-14|2018-07-14]] ]

Revision as of 00:51, 16 November 2019

The council meets bi-weekly to discuss matters important to the community; these may include proposed events, modifying or creating the infrastructure (The Market, Nether Hub, railways, funds etc.), or hassling Zed to change how the server is run. Council members are voted in by existing members, though there is currently a maximum limit of 20 members of the council at any one time. Places may open up as existing members become inactive.

Next meeting: Zedling Council Meeting 2019-11-16, hosted by MasterBoy269

Meeting Agenda:

Current members

[Strikes last updated from 2019-11-02]

  1. Zedwick [From 2014-09-20]
  2. LadyBountiful [From 2014-09-20]
  3. SneakySkeleton [From 2014-09-20]
  4. Dax23333 [From 2014-10-04]
  5. Forseth [From 2015-03-21]
  6. Memery [From 2016-04-09]
  7. Spectatre [From 2017-02-11]
  8. ABParadigm [From 2017-05-07]
  9. KhasOrn [ From 2018-01-27
  10. Zero0hm [From 2019-06-05] [Attendance Strikes: 1] [1]
  11. Dave5400 [From 2019-06-15]
  12. AlyCatMeow [From 2019-06-29] [Attendance Strikes: 1] [1]
  13. Palvair [From 2019-08-10] [Attendance Strikes: 2] [2] [1]
  14. sweetevil39 [From 2019-08-24]
  15. PurpleDolphin224 [From 2019-09-21]
  16. SooprJ [From 2019-10-05]
  17. MasterBoy269 [From 2019-11-02]

The Council Regulations

  1. Council Meetings are run by the host, who is responsible for selecting the location and organising the schedule for the meeting. A new host is elected each meeting. [Referenced 2014-04-14]
  2. The scribe for each meeting will post a pre-meeting agenda topic for the following meeting to the forums which would decide planned discussions, non-member Queries and any other business for the meeting. The forum post should include a link to notes from the previous meeting. [Created 2014-12-13] [Amended 2017-10-21] [3]
  3. The Council may only have a maximum of 20 members at any given time. [Created 2014-12-27]
  4. More than one election can take place in a meeting, with each Candidate being voted on separately. [Confirmed 2015-11-07] [Amended 2019-11-02] [1]
  5. Candidates for membership election must have a majority of "Ayes" to be voted in, with a minimum of 5 total votes cast. Successful candidates are allocated vacant seats in order of most "Aye" votes. [Updated 2015-11-07] [Amended 2017-10-21] [3] [Amended 2019-11-02] [1]
  6. Only current members of The Council may vote on topics unless otherwise allowed by the council. Any zedling not currently being nominated may vote in elections. Zedlings can vote aye, yay or abstain. [Confirmed 2015-11-07] [Amended 2019-11-02] [1]
  7. All Zedlings may attend council meetings but are asked not to speak unless allowed by The Council. [Confirmed 2015-11-07]
  8. Attendees are encouraged not to wear armour during meetings, with the exception of boots and chainmail. This rule is not enforced, only encouraged. [Created 2014-12-13]
  9. Any resignations of a council member from The Council will not come into effect until the meeting after the meeting it was announced in. If a resignation is given on the forum or otherwise between meetings, the council must hear of it in a meeting for it to be officially recognised and then will only take effect at the following meeting's end. [Created 2015-07-18]
  10. Absence will be marked if a member fails to turn up before the end of a meeting, there is no cut-off point during a meeting. [Created 2015-08-29]
  11. If a council member does not attend a council meeting, without prior notice and apology, they will receive an attendance ‘strike’. If a council member has a total of three strikes in a row at the beginning of a meeting, they are considered in-active. This means they will be removed the meeting after their third strike. [Created 2014-12-27] [Referenced 2015-01-10] [Amended 2016-05-21][4][Amended again 2016-05-21][5]
  12. Co-mayors may be appointed between council meetings if the mayor creates a new forum topic announcing who they would like to appoint and why. The announcement must also then be made at the next council meeting, council members are allowed to veto with an explanation. [Created 2015-11-21]
  13. When a mayor position becomes vacant in a warp town, a forum post is made allowing people to express their interest in running for the position. Council will endorse candidates from this list, and then a forum poll will be created to determine the winner, unless only 1 candidate is in the running, in which there is no need. In the interim, a caretaker will be appointed to maintain the warp and field player queries. Further detail available on Warp Mayor Page [Created 2015-12-20] [Amended 2017-07-29] [Amended 2018-09-22] [6] [Amended 2019-03-09] [7]
  14. If a council is concerned a Warp Town mayor has become inactive, they can use !lastseen during a meeting. If a mayor is found to not have been on the server in the two weeks prior, this is noted. In the following meeting the check is made again - if the player has still not been on the server, the mayor is declared inactive and removed. Any co-mayors are also removed regardless of activity. Elections for a new mayor should then be instigated, with a caretaker appointed to maintain the warp and field player queries in the interim. [Created 2015-12-20] [Amended 2017-11-18] [Amended 2018-09-22] [6]
  15. If attendance is not recorded for a meeting, any absence from that meeting is excused, and no attendance strikes will be added. [Created 2016-01-02]
  16. If no Pre-Meeting Agenda thread exists, Council Members should post topic ideas, discuss upcoming meetings, or apologise in advance for an absence in the Zedling Council thread. [Created 2016-01-02]
  17. All votes to elect a new council member are to be done via private message to the host of the meeting, this aims to prevent peer pressure and create an honest vote. [Created 2016-07-30][4] [Amended 2017-10-21][3] [Amended 2019-11-02] [1]
  18. Banned players are to be immediately removed from the council members list upon ban. If the player was banned, but later the ban was to be found illegitimate, the player will be welcomed back by the Guardians and their council spot will be reinstated. [8]
  19. Any Zedling present wishing to join the council can request a vote via the host. [Amended 2019-11-02] [1]
  20. In the event of a tie-break situation, relating to elections, the host shall decide the method of the tiebreaker. [Amended 2017-10-21][3] [Amended 2019-11-02] [1]
  21. An apology must be stated clearly on the forum 'pre-meeting agenda' thread, specific to the meeting you wish to apologise for. If no pre-meeting agenda exists, apologies can be posted in the "Zedling council" thread found here. [Created 2017-01-14] [9] [Amended 2018-05-19] [10]
  22. Council Members retain their current strikes, even after apologising. The only way to remove strikes is to attend meetings. [Created 2017-01-14] [9]
  23. Council Members are allowed to make an advanced apology, for up to three meetings in a row, if they know they will be inactive. This is referred to as a ‘bulk apology’. [Created 2017-01-14] [9]
  24. If the council member requires more time after the ‘bulk apology’ period has ended; they must apologise before each subsequent meeting they miss. [Created 2017-01-14] [9]
  25. Only players with one strike or less are able to make a ‘bulk apology’. [Created 2017-01-14] [9]
  26. The council is able to remove a member (if a majority vote is passed) if that member has not attended 6 consecutive meetings, regardless of apologies. [Created 2017-01-14] [9]
  27. The Council may initiate a "vote" to come to a solid decision on a topic. [Created 2017-02-25] [11]
  28. The Council may take a "poll" to get an opinion on a topic. This is distinct from a "vote" as the outcome is not a concrete decision, but just providing an opinion. Results from polls should be given in a number of YES votes and the number of NO votes, eg. 3-4. Polls can be between a range of options, not just yes/no answers. [Created 2017-02-25] [11]
  29. [Rescinded 2019-11-02] [1] [Created 2017-10-21] [3]
  30. Meetings have a maximum of 90 minutes for topic discussion; 30 minutes for any one topic. Topics posted in the pre-meeting agenda take priority, with any non-posted topics being addressed if there is time remaining in the meeting. After the 90 minutes has elapsed the meeting moves to announcements and end-of-meeting business. [Created 2017-12-30] [12]
  31. If a proposal requires a voting decision the council will resolve the wording of the proposal with the scribe to post in the pre-agenda for the next meeting when it will be voted on. Any member may vote on the pre-agenda. [Created 2019-11-02] [1]
  32. If there are any changes to the proposal during the following meeting, and an absent council member has submitted their vote on the pre-agenda, all prior votes are void and the council will resolve the wording of the proposal with the scribe to post in the pre-agenda for the next meeting when it will be voted on. [Created 2019-11-02] [1]

The Council Code of Conduct

Expectations and Responsibilities of the Council

All Council Members are expected to abide by these codes. The codes are enforced by the Host of the meeting, and the Council itself. If any of these codes are violated during a meeting, the Host is obligated to warn the violating member or issue a strike against them (in exception of codes with mandatory pre-strike warnings) The Council Code of Conduct is enforced with a Two-Strike Policy. Once a member receives their second strike, they will be removed from the Council. The Council may vote to remove a member's strike if they wish to forgive/pardon a member's actions (if the member has shown remorse for their violation, and indicates they will not violate the Code of Conduct again) or if the Council disagrees with the Host's decision to issue the strike. The recipient of the strike may raise a topic during the next meeting to apologize and ask the Council to vote if they wish to appeal the strike. [Created 2016-01-02]

Expectations and Responsibilities of the Host

The Host is responsible for raising topics and maintaining order during the meeting, working with the Scribe and Council to progress through topics constructively. The Host is responsible for issuing warnings and/or strikes if a member violates one of the Codes of Conduct
Any council member can volunteer to host the next meeting; any new members elected are given first refusal.
The meeting-place is chosen by the host - this is any location with sufficient seats for the council, that is safe enough for the meeting to be conducted without risk of death. They can build it themselves, choose an existing meeting-place on the server - with the owner's permission - or use Zedwick's Palace.
Just before the meeting, the Host indicates to Zedwick where the meeting-place is, so a warp can be created.
When members have arrived, the Host must ask for a member to volunteer as Scribe, to take notes of the meeting. Once the Scribe has been appointed, the meeting can commence.
The host is appointed three chat-command powers; !speaker,  !topic and !nextmeeting:

Command Explanation Usage in Chat
 !speaker Allows a player to stand out in chat by giving them a red name. Used at host's discretion, typically for the person leading a topic !speaker Memery - makes Memery speaker, gives red name in chat

!speaker - removes red name from current speaker
Only the Host can use this command.

 !topic Allows players to see what the current discussion topic is, if they are unaware. Used at host's discretion; can be used to direct flow of meeting, and to announce votes taking place !topic Build-Off Challenge! - will announce 'Build-Off Challenge' as the topic

!topic - will list the previously announced !topic
Any player can use !topic to view; only the Host can edit it

 !nextmeeting Announces the time/date of the following Council meeting. Used by the host at the end of the meeting !nextmeeting November 2nd, 8PM BST - will announce this as the time/date of the next meeting

!nextmeeting - will list the previously announced !nextmeeting is
Any player can use !nextmeeting to view; only the Host can edit it

The Host decides the order in which topics are discussed, though any votes or topics posted to the pre-agenda take priority. If there are no topics in the pre-agenda, or if there is time left in the meeting after the pre-agenda topics are discussed, the Host should invite any players with topics/announcements to notify them, so they can be included in the meeting.
When a topic is announced, the Host may invite the player who brought it up to lead discussion. A topic can be discussed for up to 30 minutes; Host should work with Council to keep discussion organised, issuing warnings and strikes if necessary for any members engaging in disruption or misconduct. If a topic is not concluded after 30 minutes, or discussion has stagnated ahead of that time, the Host should move Council on to the next topic. Topics that are not concluded can be re-addressed at the end of the meeting (if time), or placed on the pre-agenda of the following meeting for further discussion
A Host can also choose (by request of Council or otherwise) to use polls, to aid in progressing topic discussion. If a proposal requires a vote by the council, the vote is scheduled for the following meeting - Host shall work with Council to resolve the wording of the proposal with the scribe, so this can be posted in the pre-agenda for further discussion.
Once all topics have been addressed, the Host should invite Zedwick to speak, in case there are any other announcements/server events.
Following this, the Host should move to Election of new members - if a Zedling requests a membership vote, the Host should announce them as a candidate, and request votes via private message (PM). In the event of multiple candidates, they are voted on separately. A successful candidate must receive a majority of aye votes, with a minimum of 5 votes cast. Once all elections are complete, successful candidates are allocated empty council seats in order of most 'aye' votes. If candidates have equal numbers of aye votes, and there are not sufficient empty seats to allocate them, the host shall decide a tiebreak method (for example, a Zestygame or quiz).
If any new members are elected, they are given first refusal to be the host of the following meeting. If they decline, or there are no new members, the Host should request a volunteer Host from the present council members.
Once the next Host is decided, the current host uses the !nextmeeting command to announce the next meeting, and their task is complete.

Expectations and Responsibilities of the Scribe

The Scribe volunteers at the beginning of a meeting. They are responsible for documenting the meeting, recording discussions held and decisions made. They should be a faithful and accurate summary of what took place, as it is for the benefit of absent council members and for future reference. These notes also include the attendance of the meeting: council members are recorded for the purposes of maintaining accurate attendance strikes; guest attendance is also included to keep a record of non-members who are regularly interested in council affairs. Once the notes are completed, the scribe is responsible for adding these to the wiki page for that meeting, and making a forum thread for the next meeting's agenda (see regulation 2). Any topics 'kicked' to the forum for further discussion, as well as any proposals to be voted on in the following meeting, should also be included on the pre-agenda thread by the scribe.

Code of Conduct

  1. All Council members shall follow all server rules, and are generally expected to act as model community members. Council members shall discuss topics in a respectful and civil manner. Any targeted insults or negative comments toward other members or guests will not be tolerated. [Created 2016-01-02]
  2. Council members are expected to focus on the topics at hand, and are encouraged to guide members back on topic if the conversation starts to wander or to move things along if the conversation starts to stagnate. [Created 2016-01-02]
  3. Disruptive or annoying behaviour such as making multiple entities, (firing several arrows or constantly dropping items) annoying other members, or generally being disruptive during the meeting is highly discouraged. The Host must issue a warning to the disruptive member first, but if this behaviour is continued, a strike may be issued by the Host. [Created 2016-01-02]

Meeting Notes

Previous Members

[May include current members with previous terms]

End of page

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 Zedling Council Meeting 2019-11-02
  2. 2.0 2.1 Zedling Council Meeting 2019-10-19
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Zedling Council Meeting 2017-10-21
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Zedling Council Meeting 2016-07-30
  5. 5.0 5.1 Zedling Council Meeting 2017-01-28
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Zedling Council Meeting 2018-09-22
  7. 7.0 7.1 Zedling Council Meeting 2019-03-09
  8. 8.0 8.1 Zedling Council Meeting 2016-08-27
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 Zedling Council Meeting 2017-01-14
  10. 10.0 10.1 Zedling Council Meeting 2018-05-19
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Zedling Council Meeting 2017-02-25
  12. 12.0 12.1 Zedling Council Meeting 2017-12-30
  13. Zedling Council Meeting 2019-10-05
  14. Zedling Council Meeting 2019-09-21
  15. Zedling Council Meeting 2019-09-07
  16. Zedling Council Meeting 2019-08-24
  17. Zedling Council Meeting 2019-08-10
  18. Zedling Council Meeting 2019-07-27
  19. Zedling Council Meeting 2019-07-13
  20. Zedling Council Meeting 2019-06-29
  21. Zedling Council Meeting 2019-06-15
  22. Zedling Council Meeting 2019-06-01
  23. Zedling Council Meeting 2019-05-18
  24. Zedling Council Meeting 2019-05-04
  25. Zedling Council Meeting 2019-04-20
  26. Zedling Council Meeting 2019-04-06
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 Zedling Council Meeting 2019-03-23
  28. Zedling Council Meeting 2019-02-23
  29. Zedling Council Meeting 2019-02-09
  30. Zedling Council Meeting 2019-01-26
  31. Zedling Council Meeting 2019-01-12
  32. Zedling Council Meeting 2018-12-29
  33. Zedling Council Meeting 2018-12-15
  34. Zedling Council Meeting 2018-12-01
  35. Zedling Council Meeting 2018-11-17
  36. Zedling Council Meeting 2018-11-03
  37. Zedling Council Meeting 2018-10-20
  38. Zedling Council Meeting 2018-10-06
  39. Zedling Council Meeting 2018-09-08
  40. Zedling Council Meeting 2018-08-25
  41. Zedling Council Meeting 2018-08-11
  42. Zedling Council Meeting 2018-07-28
  43. Zedling Council Meeting 2018-07-14
  44. Zedling Council Meeting 2018-06-30
  45. Zedling Council Meeting 2018-06-16
  46. Zedling Council Meeting 2018-06-02
  47. Zedling Council Meeting 2018-05-05
  48. Zedling Council Meeting 2018-04-21
  49. Zedling Council Meeting 2018-04-07
  50. Zedling Council Meeting 2018-03-24
  51. Zedling Council Meeting 2018-03-10
  52. Zedling Council Meeting 2018-02-24
  53. Zedling Council Meeting 2018-02-10
  54. Zedling Council Meeting 2018-01-27
  55. Zedling Council Meeting 2018-01-13
  56. Zedling Council Meeting 2017-12-16
  57. Zedling Council Meeting 2017-12-02
  58. Zedling Council Meeting 2017-11-18
  59. Zedling Council Meeting 2017-11-04
  60. Zedling Council Meeting 2017-10-07
  61. Zedling Council Meeting 2017-09-23
  62. Zedling Council Meeting 2017-09-09
  63. Zedling Council Meeting 2017-08-26
  64. Zedling Council Meeting 2017-08-12
  65. Zedling Council Meeting 2017-07-29
  66. Zedling Council Meeting 2017-07-15
  67. Zedling Council Meeting 2017-07-01
  68. Zedling Council Meeting 2017-06-17
  69. Zedling Council Meeting 2017-06-03
  70. Zedling Council Meeting 2017-05-20
  71. Zedling Council Meeting 2017-05-07
  72. Zedling Council Meeting 2017-04-22
  73. Zedling Council Meeting 2017-04-08
  74. Zedling Council Meeting 2017-03-25
  75. Zedling Council Meeting 2017-03-11
  76. Zedling Council Meeting 2017-02-11
  77. Zedling Council Meeting 2016-12-17
  78. Zedling Council Meeting 2016-12-03
  79. Zedling Council Meeting 2016-11-19
  80. Zedling Council Meeting 2016-11-05
  81. Zedling Council Meeting 2016-10-22
  82. Zedling Council Meeting 2016-10-08
  83. Zedling Council Meeting 2016-09-24
  84. Zedling Council Meeting 2016-09-10
  85. Zedling Council Meeting 2016-08-13
  86. 86.0 86.1 86.2 86.3 Zedling Council Meeting 2016-07-16